Leaving Pension Riego well rested, I knew today would be at a fast pace. Vicky always walks faster when going into a city. Ponferrada is the last big city until we reach Santiago. The 1,269 foot descent today will act as a governor, but she will at some point hit pavement and I will again be chanting slow down there Seabiscuit. Our planned walk is just over 7 miles since we will take the scenic route through Campos. Further but supposedly worth the extra steps. Plus we will cross the gothic bridge into Ponferrada.
The path out of Riego went quickly downhill. Descent, God's gift of gravity to old, fat men. You would believe my butt could fly! We were making record time, okay, for us. We soon had a glimpse of beautiful Molinaseca through the brush.
Once there we crossed the gothic bridge. A bar offered a breakfast of bacon, eggs, bread, and baked beans for €3.80. Yes, I said baked beans! While different that were a pleasant surprise to our taste buds. We both ate them all. Baked beans aren't just for breakfast you know.
Upon leaving town we ran into two Florida ladies we hadn't seen since Ages. One of the ladies had been overwhelmed by blister damage to her foot. They got her a ride into a Burgos medical clinic, she received treatment, rested, and was on her way. Ultreia! We were glad to seen her back on the Camino.
As planned, we took the longer walk into Ponferrada through Campos. My thanks to Vic for not making me walk all that pavement. We were rewarded with walks by the Rio Boeza and across its gothic bridge. Vic even stopped to listen to Pink singing on the radio thus allowing me to catch up to her on the pavement we were walking. Thanks Pink!
We are spending two nights in Ponferrada. Tomorrow is a needed rest day before we go back into the mountains.
Enjoyed talking with you today. Glad you are well. Keep on walkin!