We slept well in Ventosa and were awakened to chants by monks. I have to admit that this is the first time to wake up this way. Vic said she could live without it, but then again she isn't a morning person, so don't wake her up. I liked it better than other wake calls I experienced. Sgt. Pendergast hitting an empty trash can in basic training comes to mind.
We left Ventosa at sunrise without benefit of breakfast or coke zero. Oh the humanity! We walked hurriedly to Najera, found a bar and ordered bacon & eggs. They weren't really open yet but took pity on the two old peregrines. They even gave us each a Nestle Crunch bar for energy during our walk.
As if to add insult to injury, someone decided to install km markers with the remaining distance to Santiago. Only 578 Kms to go. Argh! Thank god we will take a bus from Burgos to Leon to accelerate our trip.
We walked to the Albergue Municipal in Azofra. It is only €7 each per night. There are only two beds per room. Yeah!
The temperature was near 70 today. We both set outside while we watched our laundry dry on the line. Life is indeed much simpler on the Camino. Our feet hurt! What could be simpler?
Mona and I enjoyed talking with you today. Glad you are safe. Keep walking, love and miss you guys.